
In this research, you will encounter two main variables. First, we talk about the subject and variable of reverence of martyr s and their families. The second subject and variable of this study is absorption of public cooperation in complementing martyr s and their families.
News ID: 53471    Publish Date : 2007/07/25

News ID: 36907    Publish Date : 2007/04/09

Jihad and fighting in the way of God is the art of epic for religious man which in fact is something real from this person of God and also it is a symbol in the sacred art and epic and strong point in the poem art that can be counted as an important matter. The military men of Iran by intellectual and material _expression went to the war of violation and the artic poet has tried to keep the literature and culture of defense and Jihad and war. Some relics would show the relics of these rare poems and the strong actions of military men in the battle fields are the real witnesses for _expression of this matter.
News ID: 12651    Publish Date : 2006/11/27

Ben Mohammad Ben Chichi (Shashi) better known as Khajeh Ahrar, in the beautiful description of Aboo Saeed in the thesis (Huraieh) and according to the late Bahmanyar who is at the end, Khajeh Ahrar in his description has said that: this foursome is educational, in the state that the friendly ghosts with thousand joys will go to his glory. And Hurrah with angels that appear to the human at the time of death, will be a hint to the human soul, it is logical that the police of heaven is the heart, yje black mole is the sign of humility that appears at the time of death, the symbol of human strength which is always changing and the meaning of tampering, truth and being, and scratching is pointing to the strength that relies on the soul
News ID: 1132    Publish Date : 2006/06/26