
The arbaeen march, or pilgrimage, was being held throughout different eras in the Islamic history of the shia sect. it was especially held during the time of sheik Morteza Ansari very bombastically and gloriously.
News ID: 385580    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

There is no doubt to the fact that oral history is one of the means to record various events of history and it becomes a more authentic and important means to describe the historical events if and when it can portray the advantages as well as disadvantages of any concerned period of history in a fair and impartial manner.
News ID: 385307    Publish Date : 2017/10/24

When I close my eyes and I think about my dad. Something like a foggy image is imagined on my eyes. It is the same as the sequence of the films that story champion is among the fogs and he moves slowly towards the camera and you wish to run towards him and to express all of your excitement to him, but my father is neither a hero in a movie, nor history or myth.
News ID: 385073    Publish Date : 2016/11/05

Before coming to the discussion of the main subject of the article three important cases are to be noted about the ontology of the “Fictional Biography”? : 1. The theoretical issues of fictional biography as a sub – genre of the literary genre of Biography is too extensive and various to be discussed in juts a single article for the explanation and discussion of each of them needs a separate book or articles. Issues such as the backgrounds and the reasons that led to the creation of fictional biography, the mutual relationship of novel and fictional biography, different kinds of fictional biographies (autobiography – biography – a mixture of both and etc.), different kinds of autobiographies, the relationship between fictional biography and the biographical sources, fictional biography and the syndrome of wrong memories, fictional biography and ethnography, psychology, history , documentation, book therapy, truth, reality, imagination, idealism, education as well as the similarities and differences of fictional biography with other historical, documentary, fake documentary and biographical novels as well as . . . . . . . .
News ID: 251270    Publish Date : 2010/04/26